Sunday, 12 September 2010

Peter's Yard

Yep, another list item ticked off and done! uh, except that I have to go back sometime for the gorgeous sounding breakfast and a cardamom hot chocolate...

 With my trusty taste testers (see list item 6, I'm still dieting here) in tow I headed to Peter's Yard bakery and cafe yesterday, it's gorgeous! It's light and airy and smells of bread, cake, coffee and cardamom.  I felt a bit geeky but got some pictures of the amazing bread display.  Wish I'd had the nerve to take some of the cakes and buns too, another time I guess.

   I always love and respect any cafe that provides books to read, and this one has all the rest beat! it has cookbooks, lots of gorgeous cookbooks.  The bread builders, Artisan bread, lots on chocolates, I could have settled down for hours (and possibly stayed overnight) to read in a completely contented fashion.  Oh, and once you've read the theory of baking these gorgeous breads you can peek through the window to see the bakery in action!

  I sampled the coffee (lovely, and for £1 you can have a refill) while my tasters had a lovely chocolate, marble cake heart, a toffee, coffee, chocolate slice (with crunchy espresso beans on top) and a marzipan tartlet.  It was all declared pretty delicious (and in the case of the latte deliciously pretty) and worthy of a revisit.  They do do savouries too, but we skipped right to dessert for breakfast, you only live once right?

We also bought a few things to sample at home, three types of cookie, a loaf of sourdough, crispbreads and a cardamom bun.  The cookies are insanely good, the pink sugared one is a light, crumbly shortbread type, the chocolate one is sprinkled with pearl sugar and has some cardamom in it and the last (totally my favourite) is a strangely chewy spelt cookie sprinkled with coffee beans, I do mean chewy in a good way here, it has a lovely texture.

 Everything was so good that I had a hard time persuading the smallest (squiddy) taste tester to let me finish taking pictures...

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