Ooh... inappropriate baking!
I've always loved battenberg cake, it's delicious. Even the supermarket version, slightly stale, sugary marzipan. It's a gastronomic experience. Since seeing a tin designed to create a homemade version I've been dying to give it a shot. I know, you can do a fancy pleating thing with foil and a brownie pan, but I hate pleating foil and hoping for the best. It doesn't suit my brand of kitchen ocd.
I'd love to say this counted towards the b2/m2 project, but it doesn't. I just used the recipe that came with the tin (although adding copious amounts of orange and black food paste and a bit of cocoa to the black cake mix). The pumpkins are honestly nursery school stuff, just a ball of marzipan, a bit of toothpick stabbing and a leaf cutter. I'm not artistic! not at all, so if I can, you can too.
Next time I might tint the marzipan for wrapping, just because the black colouring bled a little... but otherwise I'm delighted! lol. This will definitely be featuring at our Halloween afternoon tea, but more on that later.
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