Saturday, 11 September 2010

101 things list... a work in progress

 This is my sisters fault, no, my fault, too, we share a certain amount of blame. I bought a book from a charity shop, 101 places to see before you die, which got her interested in 101 things type lists, which led her into making a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. Well, monkey see monkey do, so here I am... the b2/m2 project is part of the list, as you'll see, and probably one of the more challenging items.

My list as it stands reads....

1, Cook two items from each of my cookbooks

2, Learn to make macarons

3, Bake a bread from one country for each letter of the alphabet (what, oh what was I thinking?)

4, Host an Amnestea

5, Visit Peters yard bakery Done 11/09/10

6, Get to between 10.5 to 11 stone

7, Have plastic surgery

8, Go to Paris, tour famous/infamous bakeries

9, Do an extreme driving experience (right now tank is my favourite idea)

10, Go to baby loves disco with the squid

11, Take a midnight swim at Stonehaven outdoor pool

12, Cook a mad, themed meal, Heston style! lol

13, Make it my solemn duty to road test lemon tarts
 27/12/2010 lemon tart at Eteaket

14, Take a motorbike taster lesson Done! July '10

15, Take my cbt

16, Take my das

17, Go to Pride Amsterdam

18, Go to the Eurovision song contest

19, Visit another cow parade

20, Come out to family  Done! lol, July 13th in Glasgow now I can check out anyone I please, rofl!

21, Go to Moominworld

22, Visit the Pineapple Done, 25/09/10

23, Go Ape Done! I swung through the trees with the greatest of ease... 

24, Visit the Earth Ship Done!

25, Go to the Menton citrus festival

26, Visit Cafe Gandolfi

27, Walk across the Forth road bridge

28, Have a tattoo done

29, And some more piercings... Ooh! got part of this done today, a shiny, new industrial on my left ear.

30, Visit Eteaket Done 27/12/2010

31, Have a Wallander themed meal, no crayfish though!

32, Go to an outdoors Indigo Girls concert

33, Eat breakfast at Peter's yard

34, Have a tea party each month on a seasonal theme

35, Drive the A1 from Edinburgh to London

36, Go to Books for Cooks

37, Look in a full length mirror and say I look good

38, Cycle across Edinburgh

39, visit Rosslyn chapel

40, walk (lurch?) in the 2011 Zombie Walk

41, Participate in project 365

42, Buy a Lame to make my bread look nicer!

43, Go to pride in Edinburgh

44, Join the library in Glasgow

  yes... currently it is a list of 44 items, must try harder! I did think of something today but promptly forgot what it was (which  is what I get for going out without a notebook).  On the bright side I ticked off an item today too! more in the next post.

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