Yeah, I'm calling a two week (from right now, this minute, 23:39 UK time) baking strike. I have to, I'm on lighter life and the baking makes it very, very hard to stick it out. Seriously, can you make cookie dough and not try some raw? can you smell fresh bread without wanting to chow down right there and then (and for the love of monkeys pass me the butter!) on its warm, yeasty loveliness?
Thought not. Me neither.
My strike rules (aliens are all about rules)
- no cookies, no cookie dough, no damn cookies.
- no cake, no cake batter.
- no steamed puddings.
- no flaming brownies, blondies or bars!
- no crumbles, crisps, slumps or cobblers, not even in the case of a family crisis.
- no sweet breads, babkas, croissants, scones or coffee cakes.
- no pancakes, griddle cakes, johnny cakes or welsh cakes.
- no fun (kidding, kidding, I can still have fun)
- no pies, no tarts, no crust.
- nice, normal bread is permitted, but only for other peoples consumption. I shall be at the other end of the house till the nice smell vamooses.
This should help me focus a little in any case... and looking on the bright side if I don't lose weight I'll at least save money on unsalted butter and eggs. Apart from the weight thing the moratorium on baking sweet stuff should allow me to check back in with the bready part of my list which is languishing under a pile of cookie/cake/brownie recipes almost as heavy as me. Today I made a very lovely bread with red wine and walnuts, but, alas, it doesn't count towards the B2/M2 project as it's from a library book. I have no pictures either, for shame.
For entertainments sake lets have a ticker... yes, a nice, ticky, ticker (yep, ocd still here) which represents my goal using pie and cookies. I also have a wicked sense of irony.
So dear reader (or voice in my head, whatever) there you go, no cake, just bread. But bread is good, bread is better than good, it's bloody great stuff. I meant to post pics of the challah I made but it was devoured before I got the camera out, see, everyone loves bread (apart from those Atkins folks, but we don't care about them).