Monday, 22 March 2010

The bake two/make two project....

I have an addiction, to books (all books really, but cookbooks in particular...) and it's gotten out of hand. They roost in the dining room, on the windowledge in the kitchen, in the bathroom, by my bed, under the sofa... you get the idea?
A veritable legion of the papery undead, some batter spattered and worn, others that still have new book smell.

I kind of thought (after clicking on submit order once more, thank you book depository) that it might be a good idea to thin the herd, but, how to pick? So I hit on the idea of baking/making two items at least from each book, if they work it stays, if they dont (or are just plain bleh) it goes. No ifs, buts or whines.

So, where to start?